Marina Tsvetaeva

Como conheci Marina Tsvetaeva:

"Abro as veias: irreprimível,
Irrecuperável, a vida vaza.
Ponham embaixo vasos e vasilhas!
Todas as vasilhas serão rasas,
Parcos os vasos.

Pelas bordas - à margem -
Para os veios negros da terra vazia,
Nutriz da vida, irrecuperável,
Irreprimível, vaza a poesia".

(Tradução de Augusto de Campos)

Resolvi adentrar... 

“In my great city there is - a night.
I am going out of the sleepy - house,
And people think: a wife, a daughter
But I've remembered only - the night.
The wind of July sweeps for me - the road,
There is some music in the window - just slight,
Tonight the wind will blow - until the down,
Through thin walls of my chest - to the chest.
There is a black poplar and in the window -light,
And tolling over the tower and in my hand - a flower,
And step this one - following - nobody,
And this shadow and me - but I'm gone.
The lights are like threads of golden - beads,
And in my mouth there is a taste of night-leaf,
Let me be free from all bonds - of the day.
You see me only in your dreams, my friends”.

Para fechar bem o mês da minha estrela Margarida citando Tsvetaeva:

“August — stars,
August — stars,
August — bunches
Of grapes and ashberry
Rusty — August!
Like a child, August
You play with your apple
Good-natured and full of weight.
Like with hand, with your imperial
Name you do caress the heart:
August! — Heart!
Month of late kisses,
Of late roses and late lightning!
Of the rain beneath the stars
August! — Month
Of the rain beneath the stars!”.


A Lady Writing a Letter
Johannes Vermeer (1665)
